Assocıate Edıtor
- Beykent University Journal of Science and Engineering, ISSN: 1307-3818
Revıewer/Referee of Journals
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (SMC-B)
- SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)
- SPIE Optical Engineering (OE)
- Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIVP)
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI)
- Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods
- Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
- Scientific Journal of the Turkish Chamber of Electrical Engineers
- KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
Program Commıttee Member/Ad-Hoc Revıewer
- ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2020 (ICMR 2020), Dublin, Ireland, June 2020
- 9th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST 2019), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2019
- ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2019 (ICMR 2019), Ottawa, Canada, June 2019
- 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends and Applications in Computer Science and Information Technology (RTA-CSIT 2018), Tirana, Albany, November 2018.
- 10th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, Esbjerg, Denmark, August 2018
- IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN 2017), Final International University, Kyrenia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, September 2017.
- 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends and Applications in Computer Science and Information Technology (RTA-CSIT 2016), Tirana, Albany, November 2016.
- International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (UBMK 2016), Tekirdağ, Turkey, October 2016
- 23rd IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2015), İnönü University, Malatya, Turkey, May 2015.
- International Conference in Information Security and Digital Forensics (ISDF 2014), Metropolitan College, Thessaloniki, Greece, December 2014.
- 3rd International Conference on Informatics Engineering and Information Science (ICIEIS 2014), Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, September 2014.
- 22nd IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU 2014), Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, April 2014
- 1st International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS 2013), Fırat University, Elazığ, Turkey, May 2013
- 6th National Software Engineering Symposium of Turkey (UYMS 2012), Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, June 2012
- 4th Turkish Software Architecture Conference 2010 (UYMK 2010), Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2010
- International Workshop on Ambient Media Delivery and Interactive Television (AMDIT’08), Quebec City, Canada, February 2008.
- 3DTV Conference (3DTV’07), Kos Island, Greece, 2007.
- Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA’07), Harbin, China, 2007.
- International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS’07), Banff, Alberta, Canada, September 2007.
- International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS’06), Istanbul, Turkey, November 2006.
Orgınızıng Commıtee Member
- 2nd International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management (ICLTIM 2012), Beykent University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 2012
- 6th International Development Informatics Association Conference (IDIA2012), Beykent University, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2012
Revıewer/Referee of Support Programs
Jury Member
- Bilişim Yıldızları 2014 (En: Stars of Informatics) by Türkiye Bilişim Derneği (TBD) (En: Informatics Association of Turkey)
- Bilişim Yıldızları 2015 (En: Stars of Informatics) by Türkiye Bilişim Derneği (TBD) (En: Informatics Association of Turkey)
Talks, Presentatıons and Panels
- "On the Use of Analytics in Turkey: A Data Mining Study", Int. Conf. on Recent Trends and Applications on Computer Science and In formation Technology (RTA-CSIT'14), Tirana, Albany, 13 December 2014
- Interview in Beykent-Mezun e-magazine, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 13--15, October 2013, (link)
- Close-up Education (Yakın Plan Eğitim, in Turkish), TV Program at BEATV, live, İstanbul, Turkey, 14 July 2014
- "On the Economical Impacts of Cloud Computing in Information Technology Industry", Int. Conf. on Eurasian Economies (EECON'14), Skopje, Macedonia, 1 July 2014
- Close-up Education (Yakın Plan Eğitim, in Turkish), TV Program at BEATV, live, İstanbul, Turkey, 17 January 2014
- "Bilgisayar Mühendisliğinin Geleceği" (in Turkish) (En: The Future of Computer Engineering), Beykent University, Taksim Projeleri, 15 January 2014
- "Otomotiv Endüstrisi İçin bir Video Portal Sistemi" (in Turkish) (En: A Video Portal for Automotive Industry), Akademik Bilişim 2013, Antalya, Turkey, 24 January 2013
- "An Economic Analysis of Software Development Process based on Cost Models", Int. Conf. on Eurasian Economies (EECON'12), Almaty, Kazakhstan, 12 October 2012
- Close-up Education (Yakın Plan Eğitim, in Turkish), TV Program at BEATV, live, İstanbul, Turkey, 21 September 2012
- Academic Life (Akademik Hayat, in Turkish), TV Program at BEATV, live, İstanbul, Turkey, 9 April 2012
- "Computer Engineering Students are asking to Chairmen" (BilMÖK'12), Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, 3 March 2012
- "Ağ Merkezli Vizyonda Havadan İhbar Ve Kontrol (HİK) Sistemi Görev Bilgisayarı Yazılımının Değerlendirilmesi (in Turkish)", 5. Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi (SavTek 2010), Ankara, Turkey, 24 June 2010
- "Komuta-Kontrol Sistemleri için Ulusal Yazılım Mimarisi Geliştirme Projesi, (in Turkish)", Ulusal Yazılım Mimarisi Konferansı UYMK 2006, Yıldız University, Istanbul, Turkey, 20 November 2006
- "A Database Model for Querying Visual Surveillance by Integrating Semantic and Low-Level Features", Int. Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems MIS'05, Sorrento, Italy, 24 September 2005
- "Integrated Querying of Images by Color, Shape, and Texture Content of Salient Objects", Int. Conference on Advances in Information Sciences (ADVIS'2004), Izmir, Turkey, 22 October 2004
- "A Web Service Platform for Petra Archaeological Database", Project Meeting, Brown University, Division of Engineering,Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 3 May 2004
- "BilVideo Video Database Management System (demo session)", Int. Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB'04), Toronto, Canada, 30 August 2004
- "BilVideo Video Veri Tabani Yonetim Sistemi (in Turkish)", Sinyal Işleme ve Uygulamaları SIU 2003, Istanbul, Turkey, 6 June 2003
- "KiMPA: A Kinematics-Based Method for Polygon Approximation", Int. Conference on Advances in Information Systems (ADVIS'2002), Izmir, Turkey, 23 October 2002
- "A Semi-automatic Object Extraction Tool for Querying in Multimedia Databases", Int. Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems MIS'01, Capri, Italy, 7 November 2001